Wednesday 8 February 2012

Day 1: Morning

This is the morning of my water fast. I have a cold at the moment (I've had a chesty cough for about 2 weeks now - and yesterday it developed into a cold). Waking up this morning I found myself starting to already make excuses, e.g. "well I have a cold, so I should wait until I'm over that before I start". Then I thought about how breaking out of these mental devices is so important to the success of the fast and to my wider awakening as a spiritual being.

If anything it will likely help my cold in the first few days to just drink water I'm sure, especially considering my fatty diet of the past month or so. My body will have less energy on digestion and more to spend combatting the cold.

I feel a little excited, but also in a bit of an anticipatory state - because I know before too long I will be 'wanting' food at some level and that is when the real pivotal points of this fast will start to kick in.

I weighed myself this morning and weighed 20stone 3pounds.

I have a meeting at 10.30 so have had the luxury of a slightly later start today, which is nice as I felt a bit rough with my cold. I'll be leaving shortly. In terms of spiritual development today my plan is to read some more of Luke in the New Testament - and also start on my re-reading of 'Happier than God' which is a book I bought last week and recently finished. It's a great book and has started opening up the mysteries of Personal Creation to me.

Have a good day! Until tomorrow.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Night Before

This is the night before my 40 days water fast. It's 7th February at 10:20PM.

I'm 20stone and 4ibs.

My weight is about half the reason I am on this fast, to really change my relationship with food and also to kick start a longer term weight loss solution.

But the other half of why I am doing this (and probabally more than half if I'm honest) is spiritual. I want to get closer to God - who is in me and all around me, and I am confident that breaking away from feeding my emotional attachment to food will go a long way towards that journey.

So during this journey I'm going to be blogging about my experience with the water fast itself and also about the spiritual insights / thoughts etc... I get as I move forward with the fast.

I'm really looking forward to starting tomorrow now and am about to eat my last meal for 40 days. Thanks for reading and I look forward to your comments!